In this issue Superman is walking through Detroit, he lets someone who is really bad at basketball block him, discovers some aliens, and saves someone from a heart attack.
Before I read this issue I read some reviews online. As soon as the word alien comes up in these reviews, I was already disappointed. I wondered why Straczynski had too include aliens in this series, I thought it would ruin this issue. It didn't, for the most part I didn't like them being there, but the line about finding lost pets, well... at least I thought it was really funny. This issue was less powerful than the one before it, this one had a different feel to it. Instead of it being sophisticated and serious this one had a lighter touch on it. Except at the end with the man and the heart attack, that is a great scene, and the best part of the comic. If you think the alien thing is ridiculous and you don't want too buy this comic, I think you should just for the end.
As usual the art is great, but I really like the cover, of this issue and the last one, I like the simplicity of them, I don't really know why, but I really like them.
So overall this was on the worse half of okay, and really disappointing because last issue was so good. I would still buy it though because that last scene was extraordinary.
Grade: 6/10
Buy at: www.mycomicshop.com