The first issue is set in the time of the cavemen , for some reason there is a rocket stuck in the ground with Superman's cape in it. Eventually someone throws a rock in a cave, this makes Bruce Wayne come out. None of the Cavemen can speak well, except one named Boy. Batman can't speak at all. Eventually a tribe who is lead by Vandal Savage comes out and starts to attack the tribe that is looking after Batman. The "Savage tribe" defeats the Batman tribe and takes Batman prisoner. Boy dresses in a mask and goes to rescue Batman, once rescued Bruce Wayne and the Bat tribe defat the "Savage tribe." When running away Boy and Batman have to jump in a lake, after doing so Batman winds up in the same spot, just around the time of the Salem Witch Trails. It also happens that Booster Gold, Superman, Green Lantern, and Rip Hunter are all looking for Wayne, and they arrived just after Bruce left.
When Bruce Wayne came out of the cave, I was so happy. As you may know I've been waiting for this ever since Bruce Wayne "died." However the rest of this comic was a let down. I was disappointed that nobody could speak, not even Batman, and the scene with the cavemen introducing themselves went on for way to long. This is one of the only comics I struggled to get through. I love the Idea but the comic its self was really bad.

Confusing right? So was the comic. The only thing that was good about this comic (besides the picture) was the fact that I'm one issue closer to having Bruce Wayne back. The plot was so confusing and all of the characters look the same, I counted to see how many pages were left in this book, this is slightly worse than Justice League #45, and I didn't think that was possible.
Grade #1: 5.5/10
Grade #2: 0.2/10
Average of #1and2: 2.85/10
Don't wast your money at: www.mycomicshop.com
For the record dude, it's Rip Hunter that's with Booster, GL and Supes, not Max Lord.
ReplyDeleteoh sorry, my bad.